Today is the Day

2nd Day

Father, today’s the day.
Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is…well… You’ll let us know about that.
Father, we pray that our first and ongoing priority has been to be in Your Will concerning what goals we set for ourselves and how we spend the time You have given.
We pray Father, You would guide as we make our plans, that we would wisely arrange things in order of importance and need.
May we have minds and hearts like Yours…Abba… as we work.
May we engage in our work with patience and self control, an unassuming attitude, faithful to doing it well.
May we act with kindness and goodness towards others.
May we choose to move in a spirit of love and joy and peace. And may that spirit be sensed by those around us, may they receive it and may it bless their day.

Today’s the day Father.
If tomorrow is not to be, we pray Father… that we live today exactly as You would have us live it and that the first priority of being pleasing to You is what we accomplish.

We love You Father. We love You.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,


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