“Be careful not to forget ADONAI your God by not obeying His mitzvoth, rulings and regulations that I am giving you today. “Otherwise…” after enjoying the benefits, “…you will say […]
A Thought “When satan temps me to despairand tells me of the guilt within,upward I look and see Him thereWho made an end to all my sin.Because the sinless Saviour […]
Six days to labor, Father, and then Rest.As we leave the shelter of Shabbat and step out into the week may we not be leaving You behind, to live and […]
Yahweh prunes and He trims.He prunes, to the end that only fruit, good fruit, is produced.He trims with the result that our light can shine brighter and cleaner. Father, trim […]
Father, we can do nothing good without You.You are and Yours is the Good that we seek to be and do.It is what shines in us and only You are […]
You spoke light into heavenly bodies and they mark time and illuminate our lives. No- thing escapes the touch of that light.Those bodies without light of their own are exposed […]
In the beginning You created the heavens and the earth.The matter for creation had substance and expanse and depth.But it had no form, no order, no life.It was chaos and […]
You touch our hearts and it is like flame to a wick.Just as the wick fuels the flame, may the hearts You are shaping in us be fuel for bright […]
Father, in the strength of our own knowledge and wisdom we try to live our lives and then when things fail or fall apart we are crying and pleading to […]
Father, there is not a day that goes “bye” even a moment, that is not a day or moment for offering up prayers of thanksgiving to You. “Always be joyful”, […]