“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying…
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:13-14 AKJV
Our Father… Jehovah God… has said it over and over through different people and different circumstances, what His vision is and I believe is meant to be as an outcome of every covenant, with their promises, that He has ever proposed and entered into with man.
It is that to Him be glory and towards us there is to be good will… and between us, we of the family, is to be good will one to another.
I wouldn’t claim this to be wording for a doctrine but I take these words to mean… to me that this is… from a certain perspective… it is covenant, God to us, unconditional, maybe more to the point, a visualization of “worded promise” of what the reality will look like… in the here and now… and in eternity… when we choose to walk with Him.
It’s His promise and He is able to fulfill it.
At my point of understanding… and I could be mistaken… these promises are not completely fulfilled and I compare that incompleteness of fulfillment to, what I believe, is an incompleteness of fulfillment of every covenant He has ever made with us… conditional or unconditional. I can see aspects of all His covenants that have been fulfilled and aspects which remain to be fulfilled… maybe complete would be a better word, complete and in their final form… bringing to fruition the actuality of what He has worked from the start to achieve between Him and us.
Another discussion though and the point is that we are not there. A universal heart of “Glory to God” , peace and good will towards Him and one another just doesn’t exist.
There is a disruptive and destroying spirit making attack on us everywhere… from in ourselves to our families, community, nation and world.
How do we say it? It’s not in what we are seeing. That’s just the outcome. It’s that there is an unseen spirit of evil… yes evil… that is constantly in its ministry of outreach, constantly evangelizing in order to persuade us to join with its “value system” and “purposes”.
Initially following into that way may be exciting or satisfying in some way, maybe provide justification for intentions of our mind that, once the new has worn off, in their wake is wreckage.
It’s bits and pieces by which empires are brought to destruction. Little things are not paid attention to and they collect. Over time, left unaddressed, the little things turn into big things.
Everything is important. Everything entails a decision of some sort and all have their consequences. And the consequences depend on the framework of knowledge we have to draw on.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6 AKJV
“…ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4 AKJV
“…Hear…and these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart…and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Deuteronomy 6:4,6-7 AKJV.
This love of God… His words…is/ are to be the spirit that govern what our hands are used for, what our eyes see. They should be spiritual writing at the doors of our homes and the entrances of our driveways.
See that? God’s word at the entrances of our spiritual dwelling and our physical dwelling…seeking the knowledge of Him and His ways, then passing it on… in that place and who we are in Christ now…
“But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one…
so let him walk…” 1 Corinthians7:17 AKJV.
When Jehovah God spoke to Avram and said to him:
“…I am the Almighty God; walk before Me, and be thou perfect… Genesis 17:1 AKJV.
He was telling him, Avram, and all that follow who receive the promised blessing, what we must do to keep covenant with Him and, in so doing both individually and corporately we will:
“…groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord; in whom ye also are built together for an habitation of God through the Spirit… Ephesians 2:21-22 AKJV
Learning His word, applying it to our lives and teaching our children would be some of what we are to do in order to keep… guard… live covenant… and avoid the fate of the northern tribes when God judged and said:
“…because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee…”( Hosea 3:6 AKJV.)… no glory to God, no more peace on earth, no more good will towards men.
We’ve only realized in part, the outcome of the angel’s declaration… that vision embedded in all God’s covenants with us.
Sure, there is witness of God’s good and beauty in His creation and His created beings.
But in a time when we witness children under the influence of evil, going out and taking the lives of children, just a single example of many evils among us active, we know something is terribly wrong.
Let us not be confronted, in That Day, with the guilt of not being guards on watch or guards who did not look for danger, prepare for danger, alert to danger or fight to protect against that danger.
Let us will, in His power and drawing on His power, to walk before Him, be perfect, glorify Him, live with Him in peace and good will and with one another the same way.
In this way, we can have a part… effectually battle the enemy and …cut casualties.
Father…grant and nourish in us a hunger and a drive for wisdom and with wisdom… understanding and discernment.
Develop in us prudent hearts that seek, and ears for getting knowledge.
May there be in us a spirit of “brother’s keeper” we take seriously.
Most of all Father… most desired and cherished… a heart that has in it Your love for all Your creation and those in it, and fearlessness an outcome of it.
Glory to You, Father, in the highest.
May Your peace and good will be towards us,
And may it be between us one another as well.
In Yeshua’s name we pray,
May God’s love be in us all.
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