Minchah Prayer – You Are Greater

Father, thank You for this new day.
We awake and open our eyes to it and the various circumstances we closed our eyes to last night. They haven’t gone away, and neither have You.
You are greater than our circumstances and today we get to lean on You in them all. What comfort there is in that, Oh Wonderful One.
Though the world presses us to leave You, stop following You, even so;
Where You are Father…there we want to be.
Where You lead us Father…there we will follow.
We are people of all nations, all created by You, yet it is our desire and it can be, that we live in unity and harmony with You and with one another.
By knowledge of and obedience to Your Way, we commit to doing so.
May not even death separate You and we.
We get to labor and learn today Father, with You as our ally. And with You all things are possible, in Your will all will work to good.
Oh thank You Abba!
We give You thanks and praise Father,
in Yeshua’s name,

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