Father, thank you for the shepherds.
Thank You Father for the ones You have called to that task and who have obediently responded,
for those who offer up daily the best of their time and energies and focus for those you have placed in their care,
for those who have a sincere heart that moves them to naturally and sincerely share in the laughter and tears, concerns and hopes of their charges,
for those who have a sincere concern for the physical and the spiritual well being of we the sheep, those within the flock and those that have strayed and those that have yet to be brought into the fold,
for those who dedicate their lives and resources and families to lead in Your Ways, Father, that we on the path with them, might be fed and watered, protected and encouraged, as we go.
Father, provide them with grassy pastures in which to lie, still waters that calm and refresh their spirits, a table before them that their needs be supplied, their strength renewed, Your protection Father, that they might be safe, Your lead Father that they might never stray or loose their way, Your presence Father, that they might never feel alone, Your truth,Your peace, Your joy.
Thank You Father, for the Good Shepherd, tune our ears, please Father, to His voice, may it be our joy to listen for it and hear it, may we follow him in perfect trust and assurance, our Protector and Provider, the One who laid down His life to save, The One who could not be prevented from returning, and did, The One who is bringing us home to You.
Thank You Father.
In Yesuha’s name we pray,
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