Minchah Prayer – Morning Pause

It’s easy to get in a hurry Father.
And when we get in a hurry, because of plans we have made, we can become so focused on them we forget there is an order to things.
And the first order of business at the beginning of each day, whether we get an early start or we are behind in what we have planned… is to pause…

and be calm… and set aside the pressure of deadlines for just a moment or two…

and offer up to You…unhurried…and focused…attention…

unhurried and focused…heartfelt…thanksgiving…and praise…

unhurried and focused…gratitude…and the response of love towards You in return for the love You have for us.

For above all things Father… You are the most important of all to us…and to begin any day so preoccupied with…things…Father…that we begin with them instead of You…Abba…well…it takes the worth and value and meaning of them completely away when we realize we left You out at the start.

So…Father…please accept these moments, the offering up of our time and attention to You…first and foremost…for nothing will have any worth or meaning to us, at the finish, unless You be with us in it, from the beginning.

Thank You Father.

May You be glorified this day.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,


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