Minchah Prayer – May We…

It is the next new day in the execution of Your plan for each and every one of us, Father. May we be of a mind that is continually looking for Your direction in our lives and a will, obedient to Your guidance.

May we be a people in love with Your Word and Your purposes, not just for us but for everyone.

May the motives for our needs, and wants beyond our needs, be for living lives that You approve of, doing things that bring us into closer communion with You and serve as an example to those who don’t know You… to draw them to You just as we are drawn to You.

May we nourish ourselves on Your Word and share that meal with others so that they too may be filled and nourished… in the company of You Spirit, Father, so that in a real sense the naked will be clothed, the hungry will be fed, the sick will be ministered to.

May husbands love their wives and wives their husbands, may their eyes and hearts turn to their children.

May we, like You, be a people who love and practice justice, who have compassion and are willing to be merciful, be a people willing to forgive and be helpful.

May the small acts of individual obedience to Your Ways that each of us do, accumulate together into a unified power, a real force,  that pushes back strongly and victoriously against lies and deceit, destructive behavior and the inhumanity that humans inflict on fellow human beings.

Strengthen us in faith and will, to trust, second by second, that  Your Ways are right and lead to good and may we live lives intolerant and in rejection of any wisdom of man that contradicts Yours.

In the place You have put us, with the gifts You have given us Father, may we reflect Your Goodness and may You be glorified.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,


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