Minchah Prayer 01-05-22

We have walked with You Father throughout this day, about whatever work and activity we are a part of and now as tired body and mind contemplate the first act of the new day… lying down to sleep and rest… one last thing to do comes to mind.

Tempted to put this off till our morning waking we instead bring our attention back to now. Our minds half asleep reawake and what started as hesitant, reluctant effort to a final task, ends up being an easily and gladly engaged in final few moments of wakeful, prayerful time with You…

…to thank You once again for the love You have for us…for the peace and joy that fellowship with You gives and we are able to refresh ourselves with when work was hard on the body or circumstances tried our spirits this day…

…to recall with pleasure the cool morning air, the beauty of a clear dark night sky in which You hung a bright white, thin crescent, new moon, just a day or two old… and all the loveliness between of Your natural creation actively alive, moving, shapely, colorful, vocal, and all around us…

…to contemplate the encounters and interaction with others during the day, with our loved ones, with good friends, encounters with those we differ and maybe contend with, to wonder if or what You are teaching us through these and thanking You for them all…

…to experience a sense of personal safety in knowing You care for us, there is purpose and meaning for our lives and You hold them in Your hands.

How can we not finish without completing this one last task for the day…

…communing with You just one last time… eyes beginning to droop…words coming slower and farther apart…

…smiling at the thought of Your watch and keep…

…the watch of You who never slumbers or sleeps…

…the watch of the One who provides for His beloved… even when they sleep?

We glorify You Abba Father and we glory in You.

We love You so.

In Yeshua’s name we pray…

Good night…and…


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