Let not your heart be troubled

I was thinking this morning about the mob that broke into our national capitol building and how that angered me. And then I thought how the Hebrews of old must have felt the same sort of anger when the temple was invaded.

On one level the capitol and the temple are, were, physical representations of a spirit that was and is sacred to us, a seat from which justice and benevolence are incorporated into our laws and upheld.

And then we witness a mob, breaking and entering, yelling and screaming, and being destructive, leaving the imprint and scent of themselves on everything they touched and for what? What high minded ideal is honored by this kind of behavior?

We have witnessed this kind of mind and action for the last year in many other places by other people who have taken over city streets, vandalized property and done harm to their “fellow man”. And I think to myself… not a wonderful world.

Thinking now more in a political and national mind set.

But I listened to a preacher/teacher and he made two points that as believers we need to remember.

First is that we do tend to view and analyze what is going on with a political and social and national perspective and that in so doing we subject ourselves to a roller coaster ride, up and down, with every passing cycle of events, as we have this last year.

And second that we need to remember is, in this life and the next there is a kingdom, God’s kingdom, it is worldwide and by His grace we are part of it.

So do we blow off what goes on? I think not. By God’s command and the example of Yeshua we are to be in opposition, by action and word, to the violence and wrong doing we see, actively against it.

But first and foremost we are a part of His kingdom and it is to Him and His kingdom we owe allegiance and obedience and it’s from being in that place we draw peace and joy in spite of circumstances because He is constant, constantly, and never changing, Good and Just, Merciful and Forgiving, and Loving…and Sovereign, There is no faltering to imperfection, no evil inclination, no proneness to and weakness for, corruption.

We are to be His people “… called by His name, called from the dark, and delivered from shame, one holy race, saints every one, because of the work of Christ Jesus…His Son.” (lyrics: Phil Driscoll, song: People of God)

I agree. This is what we belong to and who we are to be.

So…”Let not your heart be troubled, neither, neither let it be afraid…” (Luke 14:27 AKHV.).

Continue to believe in God… believe also in Yeshua.

May we stand against those and those things hostile to You.

May, in the battle, we have and make real for others, Your joy…

and Your peace… that passes all understanding…Lord we pray…

In Yeshua’s name.


May God’s love be in us all.


Idea and words taken from “Behold Your God”

Sermon by Alistair Begg

An answer for understanding my own despair over what I see going on and how it is so much not what I believe or so much does not represent me or my Savior.

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