Guide us to be Fair and Just


“Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.”  Proverbs 3:27 AKJV.

Father, may Your Word and Spirit within us be the true guide we use to be able to judge between when to withhold benefit and when not to, so that like You we may be fair and just in all our dealings with one another.

In our dealings with one another Father, guide us so that we uphold our end of agreements in response to other’s faithfulness in doing as they agreed. They have earned it. And we owe it.

In our relationships Father alert us and guide us to not withhold good/benefit, that the relationship itself  establishes as entitlement, what another is due… out of  whim, a desire to hurt or bribe, or control, or seek advantage. In marriage guide us to know and give what the other is due, in parenting what children are due, in friendships, at work, in the community, what they are due as well, all according to the guidance of Your Word and Spirit in us.

May we become more like You in doing what is fair and just.

And beyond releasing good/benefit to those whom it is due may, we become more like You in releasing to others… Good… that is not required in exchange for deeds or given out of obligation of position.

For You are Good. And you do Good.  And it is a Good that is far above what deeds could earn and You will release it upon we who are not entitled or due it, indeed never could be.

So may we too copy You in graciousness and loving kindness towards one another just as You have towards us. May we release good on others that is not in return for or the duty of… anything. May it, like Yours, be a free gift from hearts that strive love all Your created beings simply because they are Yours. And in knowing You and following after You, we certainly have within our hands, the power to do it.

You are Father, great and awesome and worthy… and we love You.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,


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