May we set ourselves apart for You Father, and in that spirit make our plans, set our goals, for the week ahead.
May we, in that spiritual state, engage with this physical world around us that we might reflect Your image rightly that what we say and do will have an honorable and good character to them in Your eyes.
In so doing may You be pleased with us.
May we stand against that or those who would disregard Your ways or disrespect You.
May we temper any anger with fearful concern, for those who don’t understand the consequences of their actions.
May we grow in likeness of You and in union with You.
In so doing may we know Your love for us and grow more in love with You.
May that love free our tongues and extinguish all fear.
Separate to You, Father, separate for You,
We pray in Yeshua’s name,
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