2nd Day Prayer

“One who doesn’t think believes every word,
but the cautious understands his steps.” Proverbs 14:15 CJB

“…be as prudent as snakes and as harmless as doves. Be on guard…” Matthew 10:16-16 CJB

Father, we pray for our leaders this inaugural day.
So many words have been spoken, so many criticisms, not always constructive and, so many promises, often exaggerated… have been made.
We pray, Father, that our leaders, as they are sworn in, clock in and get to work, that they would do so with a servants heart, to do what is right and good for their country and the people they serve, and that it is a country and a people that they love and care for.
Father, may they conduct themselves in the pattern of Yeshua, to whom all authority and power was given but, who non-the-less… served…and sacrificed.
As we pray for our leaders who are flawed, their flaws might not result in bad consequences… we pray also for ourselves knowing we too are flawed, our intentions and actions not always realistic or honorable.
May we clock in daily, to work ourselves just as we expect our leaders to work and understand that we are not an entitled people unless we work or exceptional people without or apart from You.
Today many feel prayer has been answered Father. We are going to get what we have asked for and been promised.
Times past others felt the same, that what they had wanted and had been promised was what they were going to get. Sometimes there was disenchantment, regret.
May we not be disenchanted or feel duped somewhere down the road.
There were/are costs…in the getting what we want… sometimes easy, sometimes hard and likely the reality will not match the vision.
May we be, and enable us… Father… to be discerning about what we are told and what we believe, to exercise caution, count the costs and making right decisions.
May we be aware of worldly, “contrary to You” ways… not for the pride of knowledge or use of those ways ourselves, but in knowing we can know what not to do. We can be as You would have us be.
We pray Father for our leaders and ourselves, that in the ordering of our lives and the living of them we would seek You and Your Ways, be critical about what we hear, be cautious in our decision making, know the enemy… but be not like him.

In Yeshua’s name we pray.


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