2nd Day Prayer – Purge

Father, purge from us any thought or spirit within us that would interfere or prevent or taint our fellowship with You.

Forgive us and purge us of those things we hold within us towards others, that make the love we are suppose to have towards one another impossible, that destroy the unity we are suppose to protect and increase, that make a hypocrisy of our walk.

Though no one may know our secret thoughts Father, You do. Secrecy brings no peace.

May we be quick to seek forgiveness. May we be quick to forgive.

Guide us on this path we cannot negotiate without You, to have Your love and joy, to be in harmony with each other.

Now Father, may we offer up to You our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.

May we think and speak blessing with genuine love to those around us.

May You be glorified.

May You be pleased.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,


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