2nd Day – Optimism

It is from You Yahweh, that every good and wonderful gift comes.

If there is in us only enough good to fill a hollowed out mustard seed, cause it Father to go out from us this day and take root in the hearts of others.

Shine on it and water it, that small portion, and make it grow in them, swell in them, so that a weight in their spirit will be lifted and they would now look out on the day with strength and energy and optimism, for we all have burdens to deal with.

May that small, humble bit of good…
a smile, a friendly tone of voice, a courtesy…
an offered hand…
support/defense, spoken unbeknownst…
accepting the brunt of anger or frustration or undeserved criticism with a gentle response, a silent blessing…
a moment to listen…
a word of praise, comfort, encouragement…
an unheard prayer on their behalf offered up to You, Father, who alone sees all that is and all that is needed…who alone can, and without whom we cannot, do anything…

these and any others that You wish to work through us Father… cause them to be within us and go out from us please and may they bless, may they glorify You.

And thank You Abba for the miracle of deliverance we experience from the weight of our own burdens, when we share in those of others.

In Yehsua’s name we pray…

We won’t “be upset” or “envious”.
We will “trust in” You, “do good…and feed on faithfulness”.
We will “delight” ourselves in You.
We will “commit” our “way” to You, “be still before” You.
We will “Stop being angry…put aside rage” and stop being “upset”.
May we not wander into evil.
We know that You know when we “suffer”
But we know our “inheritance lasts forever”.
You “direct” our “steps” and we delight in Your “Way”.
We know throughout our lives we are not “abandoned”.
We will “turn from evil and do good”.
We will love justice and not “abandon” one another.
May Your “Torah” be “in” our hearts.
We put our “hope” in You Yahweh, and “keep to” Your “Way”.

Enable us Father, that this may be so.

In Yeshua’s name we do pray,


Prayer from the instruction given in Psalm 37 CJB.

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