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There is a Scripture - Use us today!

It’s been a very swift week, maybe because there is so much going on. The news has been dominated with the words and actions of grown up spoiled children who are so set on getting their own way that they do harm to others and themselves as well, to get it. It’s a perfect example of the destructiveness of pride. The whole thing is shameful. Take that whatever way you want. No one is innocent. My wife, was on her tablet. She called me to come take a look and handed it to me. A young lady, a Fed Ex delivery person was talking about an encounter she had had one day during deliveries. “Not so good.” Or something to that effect, a lady told her in response to the common greeting of “How are you.” Or something like that. Her husband had cancer and things were hard. The lady was in an unhappy place. The initial response of the young lady was to make some small talk to get past what she described as the awkwardness of the moment. Honest huh. But she didn’t, couldn’t, forget. As she continued on her route she thought about this woman and her husband and how every day she begins requesting, “God, use me today”. Her schedule was tight but she stopped, turned around and went back. She knocked on the door, the lady was just coming downstairs and had tears in her eyes, and our young delivery girl asked to pray with her. And they did. I don’t know how to describe how it struck me but her words to our Father, “Use me”, made an impact. It’s the way she starts her day and it’s her desire. And there are no conditions, no prerequisites. The understanding is “I’ll do it” and it is unspoken; just “Use me, Father.” What I sense is that in the course of her day whatever she is occupied with, the most important thing to her is that God would involve her, that she would get a chance to do something for Him, some good He wanted done. She just wants to be a part of His plans. So, she is listening and watching and responding. Father, we pray that it would be our desire as well, that You would “Use us today”. And we pray that as we make that request, it would come from a heart that sincerely longs for Your attention and the love You must have for us if You are willing to let us do something for You. Please be patient when we misstep. Minimize any damage we do. Correct us as we go. May forgiveness, Yours and from others be gifted to us. In our weakness we need… may we have… Your strength. Allow us to try again. May we truly desire to be… just like You Abba… and may You be pleased. It is a mystery Father. “…what are mere mortals, that You concern yourself with them; humans, that You watch over them with such care?” You are the just and loving One who teaches us and requires us to love one another and gives us the opportunity. We love You Father. In Yeshua’s name we pray, Amen May God’s love be in us all. Elder. Psalm8:5(4) CJB


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