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Minchah Prayer

“A prayer life is something we engage in alone yet it brings us into fellowship with God… and man… as nothing else will.”

“…Prayer is going to God, to the Father’s door, and asking for bread so that you can give it to your needy brother. When you knock and keep knocking, it always opens. Always. Out of that communion with God comes something You share with others. And as you share what God gives you, you have a communion with them. A person will have this communion even if he’s shy or clumsy. For this life of prayer delivers one from the fear of other people’s opinions and the fear of one’s own blunders.”  

“…prayer is our main work. It takes thought, concentration, an active will and the best of one’s strength to pray… for the hallowing of God’s name, the coming of God’s kingdom, to pray for laborers in the harvest, or to pray for specific people and their needs. You have barely begun to scratch the surface of the awesome things that wait to be done in answer to your prayers… if you will keep going.”

“Escape from Christendom” by Robert Burnell (pen name)


Father, You are so good…

Thank You for life but even beyond the life itself, also that we can live it companioned with You.

We have access Father, to the One above whom there is no other, little ole us’ins can.

Our own issues become part of a bigger, more complete scope, hallowing You, desiring to know and be a part of accomplishing Your purposes, concern for the physical, temporal, and eternal well-being of Your created beings.

May we, Father help us to, have a prayer life that thrives and is ongoing.

In it Father, may we find real communion with You, a very real sense of Your presence, and in addition to that a communion with our fellow man that is one of mutual goodwill and peace.


In Yeshua’s name we pray…




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