Father… it may be better understood… only You can say… that the big bang is better described as an Exhale, at some point a breath out of One Whole that separated into various elements of Your oneness… into physical form…
living, moving,
unique from each other,
existing in contact with each other…elements… like…
moon and stars, water and earth, grasses and fish and birds of the air and of man…
Then You settled back and were satisfied that it was all good.
And it was Father… wasn’t it.
All were created to live in harmony, one with another, and did because, in the beginning, all were obedient to… the framework of Law that You created to function and flourish within.
Your character, who You are, can be seen in some way, in each element, through the uniqueness of its form and each one’s faithfulness to the laws You gave to live by.
All nature abides by Your laws Father… without question. Each part knows who they are, their purpose, and day to day, eon to eon, they function that way…
Except us… Father.
We have the capacity and the proneness to question and to choose. We can harmonize into oneness if we so chose to or to separate ourselves from it… reject oneness… with You Father and in consequence, with one another.
It could be that out of Oneness You created separateness that enables us to know You and love You… and be drawn back into Oneness as was meant to be from the beginning. Only You know whether this fanciful thinking, is close or far from the truth.
But…at the heart of it is this desire for what may be an inaccurate but somehow possible way of knowing and understanding You…
That at the heart of it… there is something in it that inspires a love for You…
a way to express it…
to be not just elementally what You have revealed, but wholly like You.
The prayer, at the heart of our understanding Father… is that You would enable us to see in all of Your creation... Your beauty and faithfulness… Your provision for continuance and fellowship… that it is all for our good…
and we would see beyond the bits and pieces You reveal Yourself through, in the created…
to the Creator beyond…
love and grow into the likeness of and oneness with The One out of who we came.
The prayer is Father…
On the Day You inhale… You might draw us back to You into the indistinguishable Oneness that was the beginning.
Teach us, Father, guide us, and grow us into wholeness and oneness with You and with one another.
To the One who is worthy of all glory…
and of all our love…
we pray…
In Yeshua’s name…