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2nd Day Prayer - Brevity of Life

“I love that Adonai heard my voice when I prayed…”

At dusk this evening Father, the final traces of blues and grays, mixed with oranges and whites disappeared as the last trailing rays of light followed the sun, already hidden below the horizon. Quiet began to settle in as the wind laid down some, and as the waters landed against the shore line more softly.

In the morning Father Your sun will cast its rays up over the horizon from the east and new day light will begin.

In the early hour dust will be scattered, a final act of bidding farewell to a spirit and soul that is already gone and is slumbering.

“I will go on walking in the presence of Adonai in the lands of the living. I will keep on trusting…”

Those withdrawn for a time, will rejoin the activity that goes on at the exact same time that for some, activity has ceased.

As we continue on our way may we have a spirit of thanksgiving for the lives we have known and the life we have.

May we realize the brevity and preciousness of life, and be moved by these to look for and focus on Your good that You work in others and in us, when we are willing. It is always there for us to experience and do.

Enable us Father to have a heart to do Your Good and experience the joy it yields even when that heart is troubled.

Be near Father… be our beloved companion and trusted guide Father… the One we will not go without.

You are….so good.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,



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