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2nd Day Prayer

“…Oh Lord; in the  morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up…”

“…Then wrought Bez’alel and Oho’liab, and every wisehearted man, in whom the Lord put wisdom and understanding to know how to work all manner of work…”


As we wake to each new day Father, may we have ordered our time such that we offer prayer as a start and that we would not engage with You having set a mental timer and a determination that we have to be finished within preset limits… because there are other things we need to be getting on with.

May we not shave moments away from our time reading Your Word, meditating on It, listening, engaging in dialogue with You… hurrying things along, editing out a train of thought, missing out because other things are clamoring at the door and we feel the pressure to be done and on our way.

May what is meant to be moments, however many, that are fully experienced… in which we have engaged in total fellowship with You… in which we have been attentive and completely focused on You… and we… may those moments be exactly that.


Grant us Father, as we pray to You this morning, the wisdom to seek from You the wisdom and understanding to know how to work every kind of work You would have us do and so that as we get to it we do so motivated and with the intent, to do things correctly, become craftsmen, even artisans at the things we do physically and at the same time, in our hearts there be a spirit of gladness because You guide and we have a way to please You and bless our neighbor.


We pray to You Father…and wait expectantly…and are glad to be Yours.


In Yeshua’s name…




Psalm 5:3 AKJV

Exodus  36:1 AKJV


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