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2nd Day Prayer

Updated: Jul 11

To be content, in whatever circumstances or state we find ourselves Father, isn’t something we can do apart from You.

In the world Father, and apart from You, it is easy to succumb to jealousy or envy or covetousness towards another’s circumstances or status. In a self centered and judgmental way we can see ourselves just as good as them, and to one degree or another, just as deserving or entitled to what they have or the position they occupy.


Father, You have told us that a tranquil mind gives health to the body, not to view ourselves as better than others, not to do things out of rivalry or vanity, be content.


Mature us Father, the new person we have been born again, of You, to be…

and in strength only You can give…

May we accept our circumstances as something that You have allowed Father, maybe even caused to be…

but something within which we will live and labor to do well…

and in a spirit of supportiveness and in actions meant to aid and enable success beyond ourselves.


May we be steady and amiable in the circumstances at hand… ambitious to do well and succeed but in Your will, Your ways and Your time.


May we be the blessing to one another You mean us to be.


And may You be glorified… Abba Dear Father…


In Yeshua’s name we pray…





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