“…For You fashioned my inmost being,
You knit me together in my mother’s womb…
Your eyes could see me as an embryo,
but in Your book all my days were already written;
my days had been shaped
before any of them existed…” Psalm 139:13,16 CJB
Yahweh has a plan. Concerning each one of us, it is conceived and “written”, as it were, before those days even existed.
He “fashioned” our inmost being, the person, the individual we were to be and He “knit us together” in our mother’s womb…body and soul.
We don’t know what is written down… maybe in those books that will be brought out at judgment… but I’m thinking, we will find out at that time, to reveal to us by comparison what He planned and what actually ended up happening.
His plan for us and what ends up actually happening can differ, not because of Him but because of us, the decisions we make, the decisions others make.
We can find examples of this at Sinai when the Israelites, forfeit a direct relationship with God in favor of one that required an intermediary. I have a feeling that the difference between the two was huge, to borrow a word, and that if we could stand at their crossroad and look out into the future, that the two paths lead to, we would see two totally different outcomes, worlds.
That’s what we will find out one day.
Reminds me of a time when my earthly father informed me of something he had planned for me that would have blessed but because he had gotten a bad report about recent behavior, that would not happen. At the time I was devastated but what was done was done. My father’s plan changed, because of my decisions. Did he still love me? I think so.
The fact that Yahweh did know us before we were and could see us even as an embryo, is understanding that we were all meant to be and that we shouldn’t do anything to prevent that life from coming forth, cut it short by our own choice, or live in a way contrary to His will.
His will?
“ADONAI, You have been our dwelling place in every generation…” Psalm 90:(1) CJB.
“You have hemmed me in both behind and in front and laid Your hand on me. Psalm 139:5 CJB.
We can choose to dwell within His covering.
We don’t comprehend or maybe we don’t make an effort to comprehend, His power and the consequences of our actions. Maybe we don’t really believe it’s a problem.
“Who grasps the power of Your anger and wrath
To the degree that the fear due You should inspire?” Psalm 90:11 CJB.
But let us get beyond fear and find love for Him because of His love and mercy.
Our prayer for this…
“…Examine me, God, and know my heart;
test me, and know my thoughts.
See if there is in me any hurtful way;
and lead me along the eternal way…” Psalm 139:23-24 CJB.
“…Fill us at daybreak with Your love,
So that we can sing for joy as long as we live… Psalm 90:14 CJB.
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